What On Earth is Happening Part 3

by | 12 Feb 2021 | Global Transformation

Concluded from yesterday.

Then suddenly a realisation comes, like a bolt out of the blue, divine inspiration from heaven.  The penny drops.  A deadly virus still yet to be isolated with a 99.5% survival rate, identified with a test that gives false positives and magically fixed by heavy-metal injections that aren’t tested and have no guarantee or comeback whatsoever.  Apparently.  Which dictates that all healthy people should stay home, not work, not socialise, not question, not speak-out and slowly kill themselves by limiting the oxygen supply to their divine body.  And that some people should be locked up against their will in concentration-camp style housing.  All of this sold to us by the uber family’s lie-machine just to bring about the change they want in the world and distract us from their dirty little secret? 

What happens when we know the secret?  What happens when we connect the dots?  And see a shit horrible picture of the 1% uber-family deep-state as a bunch of sad, sick, psychopathic non-humans worshipping a non-human entity who demands human sacrifice?  I think the answer starts with Guantanamo Bay.  I think we should look deeper into the Leader who started no wars, convinced all other World Leaders to help fix the real pandemic and publicly committed to ending it by eradicating human-trafficking from the Earth and liberating ALL survivors.  Wow!  Who was this person?  Really?

But we don’t want to be here.  In this corner.  We don’t want to face this truth.  Epstein was a one off.  Pizzagate was a lie.  The illuminati and secret societies are an illusion.  The human trafficking is made up.  It happens somewhere else, not near here.  Not in my backyard.  I don’t want to look, this sounds like Hollywood.  Put on a movie, soothe the pain, Total Recall, no Robocop, no Terminator, no Judge Dredd, no Demolition Man, no Planet of the Apes, no Star Wars.  Wait they’re all the same. 

Ahh try this documentary, that’s better I love Keanu Reeves.  “The Matrix” I will find solace in here.

And then there is a huge creak as the stage-scenery starts to fall, one down, two down, three down.  The dead-end that we thought we were in gives way and we are faced with the truth.  We cannot run from this anymore.

They have come for us.  In our darkest hour, when we thought all of life had forsaken us.  When we thought we were all alone and powerless to do anything against this tyranny.

Oh my wonderful God.  We are not alone.  Our brothers and sisters from the other worlds.  Our evolved, loving Galactic Star Races have come for us.  And in that instant we knew.  We remembered.  We remembered who we are.

We are The Divine.  We are The Love.  We are the everything.  We are God looking back on herself.  We are Creator Gods.  We are all Brothers and Sisters.  We are all One and we are NOT alone.

Our heart’s soared, our minds opened and our eyes saw.  For the very first time.  All the illusion was cast away, the bubble was burst and the Matrix server crashed.  There was a wave of love and liberation that washed around our Earth and all of the distortions and lies melted away.

It all happened just like the movies said.  Frodo made it to Mount Doom, the ring was cast into the fiery hell, the Eye of Sauron was destroyed and with it the spell that bound the Orcs.

The spell on Mother Earth and Humanity was broken.  There was a brief moment when we all looked at each other as the powerless human controllers were lead away by our Galactic brothers and sisters and then we all embraced as one divine, perfect and beautiful human family.

It was over.

The humans celebrated deep into the night with their newly-remembered star-families.  The music played and all people danced and sang and celebrated.  The scenes of a liberated Paris in the summer of 1944 paled in comparison.  The humans were together again.  As one.

We had embraced the truth.  We had ventured into the darkness of the unknown as Divine Light Warriors and we were victorious.  We had returned to the same place but it felt different in someway.  Something had changed, the old world was gone and we found ourselves in a new place.  Was this the new Earth?  Was this the 5th Dimension?  Had we made it? 

As “Never Walk Alone” by Gerry & The Pacemakers played into the early morning, people were overcome with emotion, they were helped by those who could comfort and ease their pain, the Light Workers, the Star Seeds, the Empaths, the Healers, the Shaman, the Seers.  Those who had come to Earth at this time for this role, those who had felt this pain and seen this global trauma many moons before and had been preparing.  The Cosmic SOS from Mother Earth had been given many, many years before, to all corners of the Galaxy.  Thousands had answered.

This had been a Galactic War, played out over many thousands of years with millions and millions of human casualties.  A clash of the Titans and the Humans had finally advanced, by embracing everything they are.  Love.  Love had prevailed over fear and in the process humanity had refound her strength.  She had stood against her oppressors and said no more.  She had awoken.

As gradually we healed, new Leaders stepped forward, naturally.  We faced our problems together, with our eyes open and created heart-based solutions that benefited everyone.  We turned to the animals, the birds, the bees, the lions, the eagles, the fish, we started to live in harmony.  And with the Earth we bowed our head in respect and asked her to forgive us.  We worked to re-harmonise and rebalance ourselves and our Gaia home.  Everyone helped.  Everyone worked with renewed vigour.  Unity replaced division.  Together replaced apart.  Fixed replaced broken.  Harmony replaced conflict and truth replaced lies.  As one family, we built the New Earth.  We imbued her with truth, love and forgiveness and in time we would understand and embody these qualities too.

We built a place that would be fit for our children.

Welcome home.


With time, gentleness and compassion the truth will set us free and lead us back to who we are.  A place we never left.  Only now do we see a loving world.  With forgiveness and love we may even come to see that this time of great anguish and fear on Earth was a necessary shock to allow our human family to awaken and return to love.  In the absence of fear there can be no love.

Let us remember and thank all those who have gone before.  Let us do for them what it is we must.  Let us shine our lights, live from our heart and stay in the highest possible vibration that we can.  Let us be the change that we want to see on this Earth.  Let us say yes to our hearts and no to tyranny, control, lies and fear.

And may we always remember the divine wisdom of this prayer, found in the concentration camps of Ravensbruck, Germany:


Lord, remember not only the men and women of good will also those of ill will.

But do not only remember the suffering they have inflicted on us.

Remember the fruits we have brought, thanks to this suffering–our comradeship, our loyalty, our humility, the courage, the generosity, the greatness of heart which has grown out of all this.

And when they come to judgement, let all the fruits we have borne be their forgiveness.



You are a warrior.  Thank you for taking this journey with me


I love you
