Star Magic Healing

The Most Powerful Healing Frequency On Earth

Star Magic Healing

What is Star Magic Healing?

Star Magic Healing is a powerful quantum healing modality developed by international and highly sought-after author and healer, Jerry Sargeant.  Star Magic combines powerful light frequencies with quantum physics to bring about profound changes in the lives of people from all over the world.

By reading the information contained in the sound and light frequencies within a person’s subtle energy bodies, a Star Magic Healing Facilitator is able to identify and remove any frequencies that are causing dis-ease or illness within the person.  And then replace them with the transformational energies and codes of consciousness contained within the Star Magic Healing modality.

A human-being is really just a biological super-computer and Star Magic allows the Facilitator to find any ‘faulty’ programs that are running within this computer, delete them and then replace them with health-giving programs that best serve the individual client.  This leads to healing, balance and harmony on a multitude of levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  And this is why Star Magic Healing so often brings about profound and instant reality changes within a person.

How Does Star Magic Healing Work?

Star Magic Healing works on the quantum energy body of the individual. This is also known as the spiritual body, energy field, inverted field or aura of a person. You cannot physically see the field but it is within and all around the individual. Just because it cannot be seen with our physical eyes does not mean it doesn’t exist. The same is true of electricity, magnetism, radio-waves and air. We can’t see air but each breath we take proves it’s there. We can’t see electricity, but without it, you wouldn’t be reading this.


The field of energy around each of us is made up of electro-magnetic frequencies, otherwise known as codes, habits, beliefs or programs. We have been collecting and manipulating these frequencies all of our lives but most of the work was done before we were seven years of age.

The sound and light frequencies that flow around our subtle energy bodies carry information. Information between different parts of our own bodily systems and information to and from the greater environment that we know as the cosmos. This is why we are affected by the energy within a place. It’s how deja-vu happens and also how we experience synchronicities.

When there is an imbalance, disharmony, illness or dis-ease in the body, it is within this field that we look for its root-cause. By using the power of intention, attention and the super-power of unconditional love, a Facilitator is able to read this flow of information and make adjustments when an imbalance in the subtle energy body is found.

Then the extra terrestrial healing light frequencies can be directed and intended into the client’s body for rapid and quantum shifts in consciousness. These high-vibrational EMF codes then literally re-program the body out of it’s state of dis-ease and clear, energise, uplift and empower. Allowing the human super computer to naturally heal on a deep-level and allow the rebalance to filter into the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels.

How your Body is a Super-Powered Miracle

Your quantum energy body is special.
Really special.
A miracle in fact.
All the time it is reading, processing and delivering information to other parts of your body. It knows when something is blocked, not flowing, out of balance and not in harmony. It will communicate to you through any number of the trillions of cells in your body. Each cell is a transmitter and receiver of information via these electrical signals.

These communications may come to us via feelings, dreams, messages from loved-ones, physical sensations or a soft whisper. If we take time to listen and observe the many messages that we are receiving, we can take the necessary action in our words, thoughts and deeds to return our body back to balance.

If however we don’t, the communications will continue and gradually get louder and louder. This may take the form of more physical pain, or more emotional stress being drawn into our life or more disharmonious situations and experiences.

These body messages are like little electro magnets that will magnetise more stuff at the same frequency as the imbalance. This can be in the form of desires, impulses, addictions, relationships, jobs, friends and situations. This is where the phrase “what you resist, persists” comes from. Put another way, this is your incredible body utilising the law of attraction and the law of resonance to pull to you that which needs healing in your life.

Strange as it may seem, we are designed to self-heal, we are not meant to suffer and struggle. We were designed as the perfect divine vessel to thrive though the natural state of love that we are, in our unique expression.

And this is where Star Magic Healing is the perfect power-packed answer. Reading the body’s information filled electrical pulses and taking the requisite action is at the core of this healing modality and elevating you to your best version ever is it’s ultimate goal.

How Can Star Magic Healing Help Me?

Star Magic works within the quantum field on the unconscious programs, habits and beliefs that are at the core of everything that an individual says, thinks and does. This is a persons blueprint for life. By tapping into and adjusting the blue print of your life, there is no limit to what can’t be changed, improved or removed.

This takes the old understanding of ‘healing’ to a whole new level. Would you like to heal your financial life, your career life, how about your love-life or your friendships or a child-hood experience that still plays on your mind? Not to mention the physical ailments, emotional stresses, mental struggles and spiritual imbalances that seem to make up our life stories. These too can be healed at the blueprint level.

Healing at the deep cellular level of an individual can transform every area of your life. Here are just a few ideas:

• Turbo charge your life
• Open up infinite streams of abundance
• Heal hearts, relationships & past emotional trauma
• Supercharge your business or career for massive success
• Identify your true calling and life purpose
• Connect with unconditional love and harmony in every aspect of your life
• Remove the imbalances in your quantum body before they manifest as bigger issues in your life
• Liberate and free yourself emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually

Why Star Magic Healing has Facilitators and not Healers

Someone who has trained with Jerry in Star Magic Healing and has been accredited is known as a Star Magic Healing Facilitator and not a Healer. This is intentional. Star Magic acknowledges that our body innately knows how to heal and how to return to a perfect state of balance and harmony. There is no exception to this. We are all miraculous spiritual beings experiencing life through our physical bodies.

A Facilitator will simply read the information within your electro-magnetic energy-body and make changes by sending (or intending) the intelligent light frequencies into that area of the quantum body. The real healing happens when the body returns and recalibrates very naturally back to harmony during and after the Star Magic Healing session.

This makes us all Healers. Healer of our own body. The Facilitator is there to assist you and your body back to this quantum, self-healing space.

Purple Flowers

Are There Any Limitations to Star Magic Healing?

Star Magic Healing Facilitators are not as common place as other healing modalities such as Reiki. So it can be a little harder to find someone to work with you locally and in person. Having said that, every Star Magic Facilitator is trained to deliver sessions online and from a distance. Most Facilitators will offer private healing sessions one to one via Zoom.

Receiving a healing in this way is perfectly effective and just as powerful as an in-person healing. This is because your quantum body can be accessed and transformed from anywhere. In fact, what may seem like a limitation is actually a benefit, as it means no travelling for a healing, you can enjoy the full power of a Star Magic Healing from the comfort of your home.

A deep healing session can leave the client feeling tired for a day or so. This is perfectly natural and to be expected. This is the natural homeostasis process of the human body, returning you to harmony. And when you shift discordant energy that has been creating imbalance for years, even decades, this process can take a day or so.

What Happens in a Star Magic Healing Session?

This is what to expect in a Star Magic Healing Session. To start with, book an appointment time that suits you, then send a few details about yourself, such as name, your born date, your nearest town/city and a recent picture. Then just take 30 minutes to rest before hand and then turn up at your session time .

Most Facilitators will spend about 10 minutes talking about your healing intentions and what you want to achieve with your healing session and then you just lie back and allow the magic to happen! The actual healing work takes between 20 and 60 minutes depending on the client and the Facilitator.

Some Facilitators will end the call before the healing work, do this work offline and then contact you afterwards with feedback.

Other Facilitators will continue the zoom call and then share details of the healing at the end of the call. This allows the client to ask any questions and share any experiences they had, which can be an important part of the client’s healing journey.

Personally, I prefer the second option and do the healing work while my clients relax on the zoom call. After the work is done, we come back together and share our experiences.

Do I Experience Anything When I am Being Healed?

Most people will experience something during their healing session. This can vary dramatically from person to person. Energy is being shifted and moved around, so some people will feel sensations around their body, from being hot and cold to feeling tingling sensations. Physical pains can leave the body during this time.

How to book a Star Magic Healing

To view details of the Star Magic Healing services that Heal My Space offer, click the button below. All healing facilitations are delivered by Neil Cammish. Neil is an accredited Star Magic Healing Facilitator, trained by Jerry and a professionally trained and qualified Shamanic Practitioner. Working from his private practice in Kilkenny, Ireland, Neil sees clients from all over the world and gets amazing results.