Energy Clearing

Are you the type of person that always cheers people up, the life of the party, but lately you just haven’t felt like yourself?

Do you feel like a magnet for negative people? Everyone you meet just seems negative and it drains your energy being around them?

Our bodies are made up of energy and it’s easy to be affected by someone else’s negativity.

This article will address energy clearing in people, as a way to get rid of negative feelings, thoughts that keep you from truly enjoying life, and can make you physically ill.

Energy clearing of a home is a different process and you can find that information here.

What is Energy Clearing?

You may have heard this term before, but may not understand what it means. Every living thing has energy, and I don’t mean physical energy like for exercising.

Energy is all around us daily. It exists everywhere and is invisible to the naked eye, but we can see its effects. Plants, trees, the earth, and the sun all produce energy. On a hot day, if you look off in the distance at the ground you may see little waves coming up off the pavement.

That is heat (thermal) energy. The sock that clings to the back of your pant leg is static or electromagnetic energy.

Energy clearing is a holistic practice of removing the debris (negative energies) from the electromagnetic energy field around the body. An energy healer can locate the source of the disruptive energy, remove blockages in your energy field and rebalance it. You will feel more energetic, peaceful and less stressed. Once the negativity is removed it is replaced with positive, helpful energy to aid the body in healing itself. You may see the results immediately or within a short period of time. You’ll notice that you feel different. You’ll feel better, more like you used to. And you’ll sleep better than you have in years (for those that suffer from insomnia).

The energy field of the human body is in tune with the subtle energies of the Universe. Negativity creates a block in the flow of energy, which results in physical, mental, and emotional disruptions. Energy clearing removes the block and gets the stuck energy flowing again so it can achieve its purpose. Think of energy like a river, it moves and flows and everything is calm. When a fallen tree gets stuck in a narrow end of the stream, it impedes the flow of water to areas that need it. The water keeps trying to gain momentum, but is slowed down by the blockage.

Can You Feel Negative Energy?

While you may not recognize it, you can feel the effects of negative energy. Have you ever walked into a room where people were arguing and instantly felt uncomfortable? The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. That is because energy leaves an imprint on its environment. When you meet a negative person they never have anything good to say. They’re always complaining, they blame others for their mistakes in life, and make everyone around them feel drained of energy, tired, and lifeless. Negative people suck the fun and good feelings right out of a room when they enter it.

The Energy Body

We have a physical body that functions like a vehicle for the soul (spirit). We are energy housed in a physical container made of skin, bones, muscles, and tendons that help us move from place to place. There is a field of electromagnetic energy that surrounds the physical body called the energy body or aura,

This energy field goes with us everywhere and sometimes it picks up negative energies from places, people, (handshakes, hugs, emotions, physical affection) and objects that we may have touched or handled. Negative energy in another person’s energy field can get stuck in ours as we pass people on the street. This energy extends out from the body, and in crowded places, it’s easy to see how this could happen.

Negative energy can affect a person in many ways such as feeling like nothing is going right in your life, you feel stuck, you are stressed, anxious, or angry. You’re always struggling in life, feeling like a dog chasing its tail but never catching the prize. You seem to be attracting bad situations or people into your life.You may also feel unlucky, like bad things always seem to happen to you.

If you are nodding your head in agreement to some of these examples, all of these are how the body reacts to negative energy.

Is there a Scientific Basis to This?

Everything in the universe is made up of tiny molecules. Everything in the universe has a vibration. We often joke about feeling a certain “vibe” when entering a space, that is because you’re picking up on the energy contained in that space. Good vibes are positive, uplifting, and peaceful. Positive energy has a higher vibrational frequency and you can tap into it much like tuning into a radio station. You have to search for it within the static until it comes in clear.

Places like a forest or stream with flowing water have higher vibrations.That is why you feel awed hiking in an area surrounded by big tall trees, again you’re picking up that positive energy vibration. The air feels cleaner and fresher, and you feel more energized.

Locations that are reported to be haunted by ghosts or spirits are often tied to a traumatic event or violence that leaves an imprint of that energy that others can feel when they enter it. Have you ever gone somewhere and just felt uncomfortable for no apparent reason? Being in a place with stuck energy can make you feel suffocated, like there is no air in the room and you just have to get out of there.

Who Does Energy Clearing Help?

Anyone can benefit from energy cleansing because energy is a fundamental part of life.  And everyone everywhere is affected by energy all of the time.  This list will give you a quick overview, if you’re not sure how an energy clearing can help, feel free to contact us.

Adults and children who have trouble sleeping or have frequent nightmares.

Anyone feeling full of emotion, whether it’s stress, anger or upset.

People who feel drained of energy.

For the times when you can’t stop thinking about a bad situation or when someone hurt, upset or angered you.

Anyone who feels like something in their life is just a little “off,” but can’t put their finger on it.

When Should You Get an Energy Clearing?

The simple answer is you should clear the energies around you when you don’t feel 100%. For some people this can be more often than others. This list will give you some insights into when to reach out for a clearing:

You don’t feel happy, peaceful or calm anymore

You seem to be attracting toxic friendships and relationships

You feel unlucky, things seem to be going wrong often

You frequently have disturbed or restless sleep

You feel stuck, unmotivated, can’t seem to catch a break – not sure why

You feel drained a lot of the time

Benefits of Energy Clearing

After an energy clearing session you are likely to:

  • Feel more energetic
  • Sleep more peacefully
  • Be more relaxed, less burdened,less anxious, like a weight has lifted
  • Have a better relationship with family and friends
  • Be able to handle stress and life’s challenges, you become the boss in your life
  • Find it easier to move on in life, let go of the past and embrace new ventures, start new chapters.

Benefits of Energy Clearing

After an energy clearing session you are likely to:

  • Feel more energetic
  • Sleep more peacefully
  • Be more relaxed, less burdened,less anxious, like a weight has lifted
  • Have a better relationship with family and friends
  • Be able to handle stress and life’s challenges, you become the boss in your life
  • Find it easier to move on in life, let go of the past and embrace new ventures, start new chapters.

It is Easy to Get an Energy Clearing

It is easy and painless to get an energy cleansing. You can feel so good afterward, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. Finding the right practitioner is the key to making it work. While you may have read articles that tell you how to clear your space or your energy, this is not as simple as it sounds. Not saying that this is not effective, but it is a complex process and one that should be done by a professional to bring about the expected results. How many times have you heard someone say, “I read this in a magazine and tried it myself, but it didn’t work”? That is because a vital piece of the puzzle was missing.

Find a Trusted Professional

You should find someone who is knowledgeable and experienced in energy clearing and is a trusted source of information. Most energy healers have had some of the same experiences in life that you have and can relate to how these things can affect you. We may use the words “energy healer,” but the practitioner doesn’t heal you. They just open the channel for you to heal yourself.

Energy Clearing Services From Heal My Space

Neil will find the source of the disruptive energies and energy imbalance and return it to harmony and balance.  This is a deep cleanse of your personal space and aura, clearing energies that may be many years old, using remote dowsing, pendulum clearing, blessings and intentional healing.

  • Unique 44 point checklist of energies cleared
  • Bring in the good energies and raise your vibe
  • Remove stagnant energy & wipe the slate clean
  • Lots of packages to choose from
  • Video feedback unique to you

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Energies That Are Cleared

As a guide to just what energies I clear from people and their energy bodies, here is a list of the main ones. There are many more that I check for, but these are the more common ones that I come across:

All negative, toxic, bad, nefarious, imbalanced or detrimental energies

Emotional energies – stress, anxiety, worry, doubt, grief

Interference energy

Human imprints

Human related energies

Closing down portals / doorways

Energy leeches, vampires and cords draining you

Return ghosts, spirits to peace and the light if necessary help them find closure

Trauma and stress

Why Choose Heal My Space?

This service can be performed for anyone, anywhere in the world. Neil is a fully qualified Shamanic Practitioner, Star Magic Facilitator & Dowser. He uses a unique 44 point checklist for finding and removing all types of energies. It’s easy to book an appointment online. All you need to do is provide a few details then sit back and relax.

Fully qualified Shaman

Performed 1000’s of energy clearings

Free checkup before you book

Free discovery call

Pay in confidence with secure SSL protection

Online appointment slots to suit you

Most people will try everything else before getting an energy clearing. Love your life again. Don’t delay, don’t let interference energy talk you out of it.

Testimonials from Happy Clients

I felt compelled to give you an update after your recent help in clearing the negative energies that were causing so much interference within our family. After you cleared the energy from within and the outside of our home there was a sudden difference in the atmosphere with immediate effect. The sense of peace was amazing and I can honestly say you are very powerful in the work you do and I have already passed on your information to numerous family and friends without hesitation. Keep doing what you do and sharing your gift with the world. Again I say thank you and your name is now on speed dial just in case.

Stephen Kelly

Cork, Ireland

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You’ll also get regular free content straight to your inbox, videos, audios and articles and the occasional light hearted comedy from my own spiritual path!

We will never share your contact details or send spam. View our privacy policy or contact us for more information. Unsubscribe anytime.

What Happens During an Energy Clearing Session?

At the time of your appointment, we will connect via video conferencing. The only information you need to supply is just your name, the nearest town, city, and country where you live. The entire process takes 30 minutes maximum.

What happens next? Neil will tune into your energy, check for permission and then go through his checklist, clearing as he goes! This is ethical cleansing using 100% light and love. You don’t need to do anything, just sit back and relax. You will receive a full video feedback after the session.

Contact us and get a free health check, to see what energies are affecting you, or book your energy clearing now by clicking below. This unique service is made in Ireland – the heart chakra of our world,
Éire: the land of love.