This page is for you to reach out and ask for help.

I can’t facilitate the healing of you or your home if I don’t know what’s bothering you.

You can tell me anything. No matter how crazy you might think it sounds. I guarantee that it isn’t. There is nothing crazy when we are talking about matters of the heart. Spirit moves through us all in unique, beautiful and often perplexing and confusing ways. Seeing past the confusion is where your healing lies. Waiting for you.

I have heard and healed all sorts of things that other might label as ‘weird’. Ghosts, shadows moving around the house, people appearing in home videos that aren’t there, strange unexplained phonemona. I have heard and experienced many thousands of ‘strange’ dreams, fortelling of future and past-life events. Hearing voices in your head, kind and callous.

I have borne witness to the beautiful synchronicities that happen on ones spiritual path. The messages, the chance meetings, the unexpected gifts, farewells and phone calls out of the blue that happen after a healing session.

In short, this is a safe place to air your questions, your views and your deepest fears and desires.

14 + 10 =

And if you want to have a face-to-face chat

Then book some time with me here and we can meet on zoom

If you don’t know what type of healing session is right for you then let’s chat and we will talk out your situation and what’s best for you. You don’t need to know the ‘how’ of healing, this is where Spirit comes in. She always knows what is best for us all.