What On Earth is Happening Part 1

by | 10 Feb 2021 | Global Transformation

To get to a reasonable answer we need to ask more questions and be willing to see the current global calamity from a number of different perspectives.  Climb higher and you will see just what is happening right now.  Each question asked, each answer found and every perspective brings more understanding.  Be open to the fact that people lie and they do so to hide the truth.  Simple.

Let’s use a situation from my life to act as an example and delve gently into this exploration:

Roll back the clock to a few months ago …

I sat down with my wife and we had a chat about Christmas.  “What will we get for the boys?” one of us asked the other.  Our two boys are at Primary School age and still believe in Santa Claus.  One of the children at school had said to our elder son that Father Christmas is not real, it’s just your Mum and Dad.  Our son had asked us about it and we’d lied to him, saying that some kids choose not to believe.  We had felt bad about lying but justified it to ourselves that it was just a little lie and that it was so he could continue to have loads of fun at Christmas.

Originally, many years ago my wife and I had discussed whether we would even entertain doing the whole Santa thing with our children.  We concluded that we’d loved it as children and so we continued the tradition (lie).

There will come a time in the next few years where we have an honest discussion with our elder son and confess.  It’s almost like a rite of passage for children growing into adolescence.  It will go something like this:

Parents: “You’re old enough to know the truth about Santa now son…”.

Son: “No kidding, I’ve known for years, I only went along with it to get more presents…”

No doubt the tooth fairy will get a mention in that conversation as well.  The end result will be that we stop lying to him and embrace the truth together.  That a large elf dressed in red doesn’t sneak into the house when they’re asleep, drink our whisky, eat our cake and then leave lego under a fake tree.

Our children will forgive us, get over it and eventually laugh and reminisce about it.  The subconscious message will be much simpler: adults lie to children.

It will be a whole different story if we refused to tell them the truth and insisted on the same charade every year, even when they are grown adults and have their own families…  The annual ritual will now go something like this:

Father: “Come on son, let’s write your Santa letter”

Son: “Dad, I’m 32 years old, I have a wife and children, Santa’s not real”

Father ”Don’t be silly, Santa won’t come if you don’t believe…”

In these delicate times the morale of this light-hearted story is two-fold:

  1. People lie
  2. People naturally grow out of believing in lies

Right now all over the Earth we are at stage 2.

Humanity is waking.  For some it was a dream, for others a nightmare.  We are waking none the less.  It is an individual and fragile process and our human family is in need of love, support and guidance.

Unfortunately there is no gentle way of sitting humanity down and having the “Santa isn’t real conversation now”.  I wish there were but this is time for courage and truth.

The truth is the truth, it is not different depending on how you look at it or who looks at it.  There are different understandings and different perspectives on the one truth but it isn’t a pick ‘n’ mix.  You don’t negotiate or water-down the truth.

Tomorrow we venture into the web of deceit like the warriors we are…