HP, Genital and a Little Word Magick

by | 19 Jan 2022 | Global Transformation

It was 1997 and across the whole company, every employee had been asked to stop and listen to the news being delivered.

The VP at the time had made the request. So, every office around the globe was broadcasting the live feed over the PA system.

We all waited with anticipation.

“We are splitting the company” he said

“And we’re making a new company called Agilent”

Essentially Hewlett Packard had gotten too big and was making a big move by seperating itself in order to grow bigger and command more market share. A technique learnt from cell behaviour.

The marketing department around the globe had joined forces to devise a new name which would represent the new electronics section of HP. The word had to portray the quality HP image and not be offensive in any language. Amongst many other things that I wasn’t privy to, I expect.

Quite a feat you might imagine.

Every language in the world and not be offensive. No point in having a new company operating in every country if the company name meant ‘rubbish’ or ‘not to be trusted’ in Russian or Mongolian or something.

It took about 2 minutes before someone in the Bedford office shouted out, that’s an anagram of ‘genital’.

Oh dear.

Sorry Mr VP, our man here has just stolen your thunder and undermined the millions of dollars in marketing budget.

We had our laugh.

Apparently not disheartened, Hewlett Packard pushed ahead and surgically removed the genital from itself. Agilent stands today, alone and I would imagine continues to grow, dispite it’s hilarious birth.

Some years later, to spend some more money the marketing department decided Hewlett Packard needed a change and so it became HP.

I can’t imagine how much time that now saves with employees not needing to say the full “Hewlett Packard” in conversation, or even write it. “HP” now suffices. A savvy move indeed.


Other notable and unfortunate anagrams of popular words used today.


Becomes Moronic

And Delta Omicron

Becomes Media Control.

Oh dear, this is unfortunate.

Or perhaps it’s intended.

As part of the soft disclosure that the alternative media are talking about.

Or maybe it’s the word magick that our combined ascending consciousness (awareness) on earth is shining a big light on.

Delta is also the name given to the brainwave state of deep sleep. Obtained right after passing through the highly suggestive theta state.

Omikron (with a k and not a c) as it transpires is also the name of a Microsoft computer game from the 90s in which demons harvest hue-man souls.

Nothing to see here, just your average word play. A little bit of magick, courtesy of the dark magicians and their spells. Now being revealed for all to see.

The fog is lifting and the servant master is being revealed.

I don’t often quote King James or his Bible, but this verse is quite fitting:

No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing. John 15:15.

Brothers and sisters. Keep shining your light. As you do, we all shine a little brighter. As you step forth so do others. As our global awareness rises, the low-frequency, low-dimensional control mechanisms are exposed and disclosed.

This is a very natural process. Just like learning to walk as a toddler, we no longer need to scoot round the place on hands and knees anymore. We hue-mans are growing-up and real-ising the role we have played on the life stage.

We are seeing the lies and manipulation we have lived through. As more people see, so it becomes easier for others.

But just like the toddler, live in the moment of what new insights bring and the new eyes that you now have for the world. Do not dwell on the past or the time that you could not see. The past is not for changing. It is the lesson, the journey to here.

As ever, take what resonates from these words, and throw the rest away.

Choosing what is for you and what is not is your SOUL responsibility.

Stay in your heart, breathe deep and smile all the time.

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