How to Get More Clarity in Your Life Easily

by | 05 Sep 2020 | Home Energy Tips, Personal Energy Tips

Do you want more clarity in your life?

Are you looking outside of yourself for clarity?

Do you want to save yourself a load of time searching, waiting for clarity to arrive?

Did you know that clarity lives inside you?

Inside your heart.

And all you need to do is get out of your mind, into your heart and call upon clarity.  And here is a secret I have learned from working with spirit for years…..Get ready, this is a big one…

Clean a window.

It really is that simple.  There is nothing complicated about it.

Take 2 cloths, one wet, one dry.  Wash the window inside and out and then dry it with the other cloth.  Then take a step back and look at the clarity that you’ve just given yourself in your life.  You are free and unhindered to look clearly out into the world and see everything for how it is.

If you are looking at the world through dirty windows then your vision is distorted and you don’t see things clearly.  How can you expect clarity if this is the case?

You can then take this spiritual guidance to the next level.  Clean all your windows, clean your car windows, clean your glasses, sunglasses.  Get your eyes tested if it’s time.  And as you take these powerful actions say a mantra to yourself, something like “I am creating perfect clarity in my life”.

Accepting gifts from the universe is as simple as allowing and making space for them.  Every spiritual message I have delivered to my clients in 1-2-1 session has always been so sensationally simple.  It is a common misconception that spirit is complicated and gives cryptic messages and clues.  It’s not.  Quite the opposite.  And with every message I have delivered there is always an “aha” moment when the truth of the message speaks to the client.  The moment when they realised that they always knew the answer in their heart….

Now is the perfect time to create clarity in your life.  There is much spiritual change on earth and within our human family.  And this is in turn driving change and turbulance in the things that we see day to day.  There is more to come, more truth that needs to be revealed and healed.  We are not out of the tunnel of darkness yet.  But there is a light at the end, if we can only stay in our hearts and walk slowly but surely towards it.  Helping others as we go and leaving behind the people, places and stuff that we no longer need.

If you want some help getting out of your head and into your heart then join me every Monday for an online shamanic meditation.  More details here.

In the meantime get cleaning those windows!!