The Fires of Change are Burning

by | 17 Sep 2020 | Personal Energy Tips

 The fires that burn around the earth can be seen as a symbolic burning away of humanity’s old ways.

If you look for a deeper meaning of the events of the past six months, it will help you to see the opportunity that life is presenting us for change.  This year has been challenging and upsetting for many and few of us have known a more delicate time in our history.  It is easy to point the finger at the institutes of main-stream-media, governments, pharmaceuticals, social media etc.  But doing this is to give away our power and fail to see past our five senses.

If we connect with our hearts and go deeper into the events, we will see beyond the fear, scaremongering, censorship and deceit.  We are witnessing a death and rebirth of humanity and the fires that we see are an element of that.  There have been many revelations in alternative media sources from many brave and courageous souls.  Upsetting and stark reminders as to depths of which humans can sink.  And now we see the fires.

Let us allow the ferocity and unrelenting transformative power of the fire, to burn away these events and this chapter of our history.  To burn away the hurt, the shame and the rage from our collective consciousness.  Allow these fires to rebirth humanity into a better, safer and more compassionate place for all of us.

We can each play our part in this death and rebirth transformation.

Here’s how:

You can hold your own small fire ceremony to release the old and welcome in the new, whether it is letting go of your own ‘stuff’ or the worlds ‘stuff’ that you see.  This is a perfect symbolic gesture that uses your own powers of intention and manifestation to direct energy and affect change and is one of the shamanic services that I offer to my clients.

Take two pieces of paper, on the first write out all the events of the past that you perceive as “good”.  This may be from a past chapter in your life, for example your last job, a past relationship or when you were in your last home.  It can also be a chapter from your community’s history, or your country, or the world as a whole.  As you write, write with emotion, put all the joys and highs and success onto this piece of paper.  Let it represent you.  It may be a short list, it may be several pages.

Next take the second piece of paper and write out all the events from the same chapter of your life that you perceive as “bad”.  Again, pour your emotion into the words, write with passion.  Write from your heart.  Again, it doesn’t matter the length of the list or how long it takes.  Emotions may come up.  That’s good, allow them.  It’s a sign that stuck energy is releasing from within you.

Now you want to find a safe place to start a fire.  It can be indoors or outdoors, a fire place or a fire pit or even a barbeque.  Have some water or sand handy for safety.  Gather up a fuel source, what you would usually use sticks, coals, charcoal.

Now, before you start, connect with your heart and feel supported in this ceremony.

Next, say a few words.  In your heart or out loud.  Words that are relevent to you and what you are about to release.  Something like “I now call upon the energy from this chapter in my life, the good and the bad, the highs and the lows”.

And now you light your fire.  Again make sure it’s super safe.  Now take the two sheets of paper, one at a time.  Hold each up and say what feels right to you.  Something like “With every part of me I release these emotions and this chapter of my life to the fire”.  “I release all those involved and I thank life for all the learnings and all the gifts of this experience”.

Do this with the second piece of paper too.  Really feel the emotion and the energy shift.

Now, if you’ve poured your heart and soul into this ceremony you may feel some emotions come up.  Whatever comes up is meant to be and is right and natural for you.  Allow it to surface, to be felt and release it to the fire.

Allow this process time if it needs it.  This is your personal, beautiful and sacred ceremony, it takes as long as it takes.

Now, you will want to make a statement to the divine (however you address her/him).  Something like “I hereby announce that all emotions from this experience are released and I release all those involved”.

And here’s the big one.  “I AM FREE AND THEY ARE FREE”.

You may now be feeling totally different and about ready to hug strangers!  Stay in that feeling, feel the gratitude, enjoy it.  You have released yourself and the experience and maybe even others that were involved.  You are powerful and your are free.

Boom.  Done.  Smiles all round.  Give yourself a huge hug!

Ceremonies are powerful.  Always have been, always will be.  It’s the tried and tested ancient way of what we call today “Letting that shit go”!!

You can also say a few words about the fires that burn on our earth at this time.  Something like “I graciously allow the fire to burn away and transmute all that no longer serves humanity and I welcome in the new, in all her forms”

Catch me on facebook, I’ll be posting this week and going deeper about how we get stuck in the past, to old events and relationships and most importantly how we can free ourselves from all that stuff.

Until the next time.  Stay in your heart.