The Truth Doesn’t Care What You Think

by | 12 Oct 2020 | Global Transformation, My Story, Personal Energy Tips

This week I am talking about truth.  Truth is one of the three gifts that I was given at the end of an enduring seven year quest that I unwittingly embarked on in 2013.

I always thought that truth was an angelical being, one so full of light that she would banish away anything that was not-truth.  All you had to do was meet her and she would do all the work for you.  She would have a magic wand and she would tap three times and then you would be free of all the untruths in your life.  Truth would be like Santa, coming in secret and blessing all whose homes she entered

We could all use truth right about now

Looking back on my life I see that I have always been a truth seeker.  Searching high.  Searching low.  But truth is illusive and it cannot be found in the obvious places.  The places that we were taught to look.  No wonder then that so few people find it.  I imagine that the Angel of Truth followed me around all those years I was seeking, whispering “cold, cold, very cold”.  I didn’t hear.  I couldn’t hear.  Truth had to be in some book or on some website somewhere.  I looked some more.  Years passed.  It seemed Truth never tired of playing the hot-cold game with me…

Only when I was in tremendous pain in 2013 and didn’t have the strength to look anymore did I start to discover truth.  Insomnia, post traumatic stress disorder and excrutiating physical pain have a great way of focussing the mind.  It was as though life was screaming at me to surrender.  To stop looking.  The Angel of Truth was ready but this time, I was ready to meet her.

When the student is ready the teacher will appear.  We have this phrase in our culture for a reason.  It is true.  I was the student back then and I had declared myself ready.  Whilst I had been seeking my whole life, I was never ready to know or face the truth about life, least of all my life.  I was comfortable.  I had a great job, a lovely home, wonderful children and plenty of distractions.  I had all the boxes ticked that our culture teaches us to tick.  “Well done Neil, go to the top of the class”.

In the end, to find the truth of my life, it took some of the most powerful medicine known to man.  Spiritual Medicine, from the Jungles of Peru.  More about that in a previous blog.  That medicine helped me to find the truth that was inside of me.  Where it had been all along.  The very place that I was taught not to look.  Those weeks when I was in Peru, remembering my truth, I imagine the Angel of Truth was dancing all around the place shouting “hot, hot, hot, really hot”.  “You’ve found it”.

They must have had some celebration that night.  The childhood hot-cold game was over, never again would they have to whisper or even scream “cold” in my ear.  But it would seem that the truth is a bad loser.  Sometimes she doesn’t want to be found and will make you pay dearly for finding her.  The sayings we have about truth are both true, she will indeed set you free, but first she will hurt you.  Before I could enjoy true freedom in my own life, I had to have my wounded heart broken some more.  I would like to tell you that it was otherwise, but as I am here promoting truth, I suppose it’s better that I am truth-full 😉

And this is really the secret about truth that I want to share with you.  The truth is neither good nor bad.  The truth just IS.  She makes no excuses whether you like her or not, she doesn’t try to please or to fit in.  She has terrible manners and will break your heart in an instance.  Truth cuts right through illusion and belief right to the core of things.  Truth will make your hair stand on end, your spine shiver and hit you like a freight train with deja-vu.  Truth speaks to your heart, mind and soul all in one.  When truth visits, you will know it in every fibre of your being.

Truth doesn’t want you to stay home, to cover your mouth or to avoid loved ones.  Truth is pure, pristine and unblemished and she comes to everyone that way.  She doesn’t delegate and she doesn’t send others to do her work but she does have many imposters.  Your truth compass lies within your heart and will guide you every moment of every day if you would but ask and listen.  It is not something that another can give you, not I, not a loved one and least of all the smiling official looking person on TV.

So, as humanity tries to figure out just exactly what happened over the last seven months, please bear this in mind.  Please be open to playing The Angel of Truth’s hot-cold game!  Please be open to seeking a different version of events.  One that sits better in your heart, one that just ‘feels right’ to you, regardless of how upsetting it is.

Truth is a higher frequency than illusion and as more of us discover and live our truth, we change the frequency for everyone on the planet, for the better.  Sure, she will hurt some of us, but she will also set us free in the process.

Be on the lookout for truth in your world and get ready to be set free.

Photo by Flavio Takemoto from FreeImages