My Secret To Spiritual Success

by | 01 Oct 2020 | My Story, Personal Energy Tips

People ask me how I became a shaman.

I tell them it was a team effort.  Whilst I did so much internal work, my two warrior sons helped me perhaps more than they will ever know.

But the real secret is Elaine.  My wife and soul mate for eighteen years.  She stood by me, resolute and strong. throughout everything I had to face and overcome in the seven year journey I took to return myself to wholeness.  She held space when I was releasing the energetic, emotional and spiritual baggage that prevented me from moving forward in the light.  She picked me up when I stumbled and fell in the dirt and she dished out tough love when that was needed too.

Her intuition is second to none and every time I would tell her that I need to do this or that, her response would always be the same.  “I know”.  Her knowingness, insights and abilities as a healer have truly been tested to the limits with me.  And at each stage she met them with ease, grace and humour.  And as I rose to meet my destiny, so did she.  But perhaps this is one of the signs of a true soul mate.  One who offers the space for you to grow, encourages your growth and grows with you.  One who says, I don’t care what you’ve been through and I don’t care what you need to do, get it done, I’m here for you.

Elaine, you are without question the main reason I am still here.  You are the reason I can look back on those seven years of shedding darkness and see only miracles.


Those who say the spiritual path is easy and full of rainbows and unicorns are not on the spiritual path.  Those who finish the journey and want nothing more to do with spirituality have not finished their journey.  Decoding your journey and your destiny means embracing, loving and forgiving everything.  This is the ultimate divine gift that we can give.  But it is a gift that we give to ourselves.  This is what I covered in the healing masterclass from last Sunday.

I was blessed on my spiritual path to have Elaine, not everyone has a compassionate warrior walking with them.  Many have to walk this arduous path alone, with no support, feeling alone, confused and alienated from the world around them.  This is something that must change if we are to grow and evolve as a people.  We must remember how to live in unity and harmony with all of life.  And understanding ourselves spiritually is the way we do this.

And so at the end of my seven year journey and ironically at the outset of the global calamity, my wife and I setup our answer to this global issue.  The saying goes “be the change you want to see in the world”.  Well what we created is the healing community that we wanted and needed while we were trudging blindly along our spiritual paths.  What we created was something that would help and support others going through the spiritual process, so they wouldn’t have to do it the hard way as we did.

This healing space is where people can come to understand more about their spiritual path and to receive support and guidance on it.  A community with spiritual growth and fulfilling your true, divine purpose at its heart.  A place where you can receive weekly online healings, meditations and spiritual insights.  A place to share, connect and heal.  A place you can enjoy at your own pace.

We created Healing Unlimited and all are welcome.  So pop along for your free trial and start skipping down your spiritual path.  There’s more info here.


Photo by johan van den berg from FreeImages