What On Earth is Happening Part 2

by | 11 Feb 2021 | Global Transformation

Continued from yesterday.

We were lied to.  All of us.  About almost everything.  We have been living on life-support in a huge incubator fed with lies. 

Our governments are no longer the Sovereign establishments that our ancestors setup, of the people, by the people, for the people.  They changed long ago to become corporations: fictitious, legal entities, with a CEO and shareholders.  A sleight of hand by the legal and banking cartels, unseen by most of the population.  These corporations do not exist for the people, they represent those that own them. 

Our courts are no longer sovereign, they are commercial courts operating under maritime law, the law of the seas, the law of the dead, using a language that looks, sounds, writes and reads like English but has entirely different meanings.  They do not serve the people, they cannot.  The people are sovereign with inalienable rights bestowed upon them by our Creator.  Like their government corporation counterpart, the courts are fictitious, legal entities and as such can only deal with other fictitious, legal, dead entities.  Such as our birth-certificate name, our strawman, our ALL CAPITALS name.  This is the corporation that is created when we are birthed and our parents create it for us unwittingly.  Why do the parent’s occuptions go on the certificate?

When you talk to the Divine, when you pray or meditate, does he or she ask for your birth cert?  Do they ask your name or date of birth?  No, they recognise you, your soul.

How about the media?  The newspapers, radio and TV channels and their corresponding internet pages?  Are they independent?  Do they represent the people or are they all owned by a tiny number of people (less than 10).  Do they care about presenting truth for the betterment of ALL of humanity?  Do they in anyway stifle and suppress any thought, word or deed that does not suit them?

The pharmaceutical industry?  Have they told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help them God?  Over the last 12 months, 12 years, ever?  Or do they serve their owners?  Have they isolated the virus in a laboratory?  What is in those syringes? What are the possible consequences?  Did God make a mistake?  Is there something inherently wrong with the human design that we must increase the amount of heavy metals and MRC-5 (aborted fetal tissue) in our bodies to survive?

Maybe the banks and their ultimate owners are different.  Is the money supply controlled by the people?  Does it serve the people?  Is it backed by anything of value?  How does money really work?  What does the word ‘money’ really mean and why in our global economy do we have the cycle of boom and bust so frequently?  Who does that cycle serve?  Surely money is a representation of our ability as a human family to create and offer service to one another?  Does this ability ever change as dramatically as the economy does?  Perhaps the answer is yes if we continue to listen to those who tell us we must stay home, stay away from each other and don’t go to work (help each other).

Perhaps the farming and food industry is serving the people better?  Not from my viewpoint.  Let us not pretend that the Earth is so crap that she cannot provide quality, nourishing food and beverage for all her children.  Again, did God make a mistake, did she send too many humans to Earth?  Did she send us to a lousy planet that can’t provide for us?  Or have we believed the polished promises of the Monsanto’s of the world.  That we must stop doing what we’ve done for generations, stop working with the Earth and her natural cycles and start using genetically modified crops and feeding them with poison.

Where I live there are green fields everywhere, some with cows, most without.  Oh the wonderful lush, green fields of Ireland.  Cow fields.  7 million cows, 4 million people.  That’s enough for each person to drink 80 litres of milk every day for ever.  Most of it is shipped around the world as baby milk formula, in massive tankers fuelled by petroleum products.  That’s a good idea.  But it leaves us open to the lie about needing to find more oil in the Earth and inevitably the fracking debate.  Oh how easily we arrive at daft ideas to solve problems that we created.

At least each of those cows has a roof over it’s head in the winter, plenty to eat and friends to be around.  We can’t say that for all our brothers and sisters.  So many live, work and sleep on the streets.  Even in our so-called civilised 1st world society.  I remember a few years ago the Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister) saying that solving the homeless crisis was difficult. Oh well, perhaps we shouldn’t try then, perhaps he’s right.

Cobblers.  Everyone deserves a home, clothes, food, water, health and freedom.  They are basic human rights.  What kind of system tells us that everyone needs to ‘earn’ these things.

So, what is going on?  How is it that during everyone’s life the state of the world seems to get progressively worse?  Generation after generation fewer and fewer people achieve the basic list of human needs above?  How come so many wars and conflicts?  How come so much division and disagreement?  How can an estimated 200 million people die from war and conflict in the 20th century alone?  That’s the entire population of Ireland every two years.

If you believe that the world is limited, cannot support us, Earth is overpopulated and we are doing the best we can just to survive then welcome to the old world.  The lies that held this world together are crumbling and self destructing.  This is what we are witnessing.  It is a natural metamorphosis, the butterfly cannot live in the caterpillar’s world.  Could it be that Humanity is growing, evolving, learning to walk maybe?

When you follow the money in all the industries that I have named above you will arrive at the same people and their families, regardless of the industry.  Is this coincidence?  Are they just smart or lucky or good business people?  They would have you believe that and capitalism will have you believe that too.  Let’s call these families the 1%, not a new idea I am sure…

What if these families all got together and created an uber family?  What if they installed around them an organisation that spanned the globe but didn’t have a name and wasn’t easily identifiable.  Let’s say for example they had a number of secret societies around them that did their bidding in the world (our world).  That would be something quite powerful wouldn’t it?  You would have followed the money right to the uber family and found that the money stopped with them.  That actually they owned all the money and all the gold and unfortunately the two were not connected anymore.  The printing machines (central banks) that they owned, answer to no-one and print what they liked when the liked for whom they liked.

And we weren’t in on the deal.


We would be in trouble if we found all that was true.  We might find ourselves exposed to their whims and what they wanted to see in the world.  But rest assured, as long as they were of good heart and not compromised in anyway humanity would be fine.  We would be living in paradise….But we’re not.

As a species we have wandered down a path that has turned into a dead-end street.  Not only that but we have been followed by the uber family and perhaps even ushered down this path.  Unfortunately no amount of global organisations or their NGOs have any intention of saving us.  Not the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund or any other of the uber family’s organisations.

Perhaps as a species we should have had that “Santa isn’t true” conversation earlier.  Or perhaps everyone except the 1% was too busy trying to just survive and negotiate the hurdles, barriers and minefields put down in life by the same 1% through their institutes.  Perhaps we would have had the head-space if we hadn’t been playing the ‘divide and conquer’ game devised by the Uber family: black vs white, male vs female, pro-abortion vs anti, vaccinate vs don’t, Republican vs Democrat, Liverpool vs Everton.  They kept us divided.  We are all the same family. 

Maybe we were just trying to feel ok amidst the terrorising and fear-mongering over the last 12 months coming from the media and government corporations.  A deadly virus needs no introduction, it needs no hard-selling.  Who benefits from keeping the population afraid, confused and divided?  Does this sound like a war yet?

Previous wars were so much easier, the government corporations just announced who the bad guys were and we all blamed them for everything.  Big money was spent on tanks and bombs and moved from the people to government corporations to the bomb makers.  Money going back to the 1% uber family, or money returning home if you will.  Twice the money comes home if you sell to both sides in the war.

So here we are, all herded down our dead-end street, ready for the finale, the final showdown with the uber family.  Except what we thought was a dead-end is actually just stage scenery, the end of the dome in The Truman Show and just like Truman we are hesitant.  Truth awaits behind the door and the promise of a better life but dare we take those last few steps to freedom knowing the price that we must pay.  Knowing that we must bear witness to the horrors of the life that we leave behind, the place that humanity stayed for thousands of years, stuck, confused, broken and divided?  Dare we stay knowing the price that so many have paid with their lives?  Those who spoke out against tyranny, those who invented cures, those who sacrificed so that we would thrive.  So that we could even get to here.

We now stand at our Alamo, our defining moment in human history, on a precipice.  Why have we been brought here?  If they wanted us gone they could have done it already.  It’s really a crap time to find out that these people really are a global, organised satanic death cult and are obsessed with rituals and sacrifices.  It’s also a crap time to realise that all the masses of information about adrenochrome and human trafficking are true.  They want something from us, this is why we are still here.  But what?

Join me tomorrow for the concluding part, as we blow the lid on these global messed-up punks.  Knowing the truth means looking in all the corners and under the bed.  Our children’s future depends upon it. 

Spoiler: Super Hi-Vibe Perfect Happy Ending Tomorrow !!! ;-))



My dear friend.  Please take only what resonates with you in this post and reject the rest.  Whatever you choose I love you.  As love is the only way through this.  It is true what JFK said: “Where We Go One We Go All”.  If you are keen to understand more of the current situation, here is a 13 minute video well watched and a good place to start:


You will also find Janet Ossebaard’s 3 hour epic “The Fall of The Cabal” on the same site.  It is incredibly rich but be advised small sections of these videos are heart breaking.  The full truth is.