Would you Carry this Burden?

by | 24 Sep 2020 | Healing Event, My Story

When I was at University in Bristol last century, I shared a house with a life-long friend of mine.  He had a great sense of humour and we made our own entertainment daily.  We lived off campus, on the 3rd floor of a townhouse, in one of England’s largest Cities.  On a bus route, we had no need for a car.

Each week I would pull out my rucksack and walk to the local shop and buy food for the coming week.  And each week I would pop into Kerry and ask if he wanted anything.  It was courtesy.  Routine.  His response was the same every week.

“I want five 25kg bags of rice.  Six of the biggest bags of potatoes, 20 cans of baked beans and a tube of toothpaste.”

How we laughed, never growing tired of the same joke!..

Needless to say I never contemplated buying any of it.  Carrying my own stuff was task enough, before adding his 200kg of food to my back!

Many years later my friend became a stand-up comedian, and I became a healer and saw the subtle, inadvertant and deeper meaning of his outrageous food demands.  Would I carry this for him?

But what if I had carried his supplies back from the shop every week?  Struggling and floundering under the enormity of the task, but somehow still managing the journey back and the countless stairs to our kitchen?  And taking this anology further, what if I had carried his supplies and never even realised it?  What if the shopkeeper had discretely loaded his goods into my sizable rucksack?

It would have been some illusion and I would have needed to be the world’s strongest man and sensationally oblivious and naïve to physical reality.  But the message for me is clear:

This is exactly what we do with burden.  We carry something for another.  And what if we carry the baggage of our friends and family?  Unwittingly.  And what if it’s as heavy as my friend’s shopping list?  Only this time the heaviness is emotional and energetic.

And not only do we carry around their ‘stuff’ but also the toxic stuff from our neighbours, the person we passed this morning, the lady on the phone call, the people who lived in our house before us.  And what if, right now, everyone was carrying a myriad of toxic emotions and energy that has been broadcast on a global scale over the past six months?  Heavy stuff that is not ours.

It’s time to stop, take the rucksack off and unload the baggage that we’ve been carrying that doesn’t belong with us.

And this is exactly what I will be doing on Sunday 27th September 2020 and I want you to be there .  I am holding an online zoom masterclass, where I will:

  • Discuss the energetic/spiritual realm that is all around us.
  • Show how we pick-up and hold toxic energy in our energy body.
  • Outline where this energy comes from: people, places.
  • Give you practical steps on how to clear toxic energy.

And, I will be doing a full energy clearing and rebalancing for everyone on the call.  This will remove all toxic energy, cords and imprints from your energy body.  And it will be the biggest group clearing I have done to date.

Toxic energy in your space shows up as an imbalance or lack of ease (dis-ease).  You know you have an imbalance if your emotions are a bit off.  You might be stuggling with upset, worry, fear, stress or feeling lost or confused.  Everyone gets like this, it’s not a weakness, it’s part of what it means to be human.  But it doesn’t need to rule us and dictate our life.

It’s time to give back the heavy burdens that are not ours.

Click below to reserve your complementary ticket and I look forward to seeing you there (Energy Masterclass now finished, signup to Energy Savvy below for instant notification of the next Energy Masterclass!)

Until then.
