Pineapple Dreaming & Symbolic Cleaning

by | 17 Aug 2020 | Dream Interpretation, Home Energy Tips, Shamanism

I woke at 3am, another dream.  Vivid.  Bizarre.  “Quick, stay in the energy of it, remember the details, decipher the message”, I told myself.  I sped into action, “What is spirit presenting to me”?  This one was very peculiar.  Where am I in life and what is this dream communicating to me about my life?

Dreams are gifts from spirit, delivered and communicated to us when our conscious mind is in the background, out of the way.  When the masculine mind doesn’t try to take over and analyse and rationalise the meaning.  Often you will hear people say “oh it’s just a dream, it doesn’t mean anything”.  This is the conscious, rational, masculine mind talking.  The only answers you will get from this will be shallow and confusing and will reveal nothing about the deeper, truer meaning of your dreams, your life and reality.

There is nothing wrong with considering dreams to be shallow and meaningless, if that’s what you want in life. Maybe the dream was really just telling you not to leave pineapples unattended…  But if you want to look deeper into life and understand your connection to spirit and what is happening in the world at the moment then I suggest looking to your dreams as one of the beautiful ways that spirit talks to you, is a great place to start.  Dreams are the language of the soul and connect us deeply to our true essense and allow us to explore the feminine intuitive heart, that lives inside each and every one of us.

So, to my dream.  There was a pineapple, I had cut the sides off and put it on a chopping board.  I was distracted, I got called away.  I came back to the pineapple, I lifted it up and found that it was going brown underneath.  I got called away again, distracted.  Something else needed my attention.  I left the pineapple.

I came back to the pineapple and now found that it had maggots on the underside.  I decided in my infinite wisdom to leave it on the chopping board instead of dealing with the issue.  I got called away again, to something else.  Then I return again to the pineapple and finally deal with the rotting fruit, the maggots have grown, I start to shake them out, boy this is going to be a big job now.  Then I wake.  Confused and amused at spirit’s sense of humour. 

What does this mean to you?

Dreams are rich in meaning but are sometimes bizzare and illusive.  I guarantee that everyone reading this will have a different take on the meaning.  And that’s the beauty of spirit and her myriad of messages and communications.  Each message is unique to the person who receives it and can really only accurately be interpreted by that person.  Sure, some people can guide you to an interpretation, but the final truth or learning must come from the individual to squeeze the full portion of meaning from it.

And sometimes to get to the meaning, we should remember that messages are never given in a vortex, there is always a context and spirit is always talking to us.  Like a full on conversation 24/7.  Messages are sometimes subtle whispers and then they can escalate into great clarion calls if we do not heed them.  Hence the phrase “what you resist persists”.

So to the dream and the context of my life over the last few weeks.  I had been feeling that our home is physicaly cluttered and it was time to do a clear out.  I was feeling annoyed and overwhelmed at all the things in my space that were calling to me to be dealt with.  And the night before the dream, I picked up a book on energy clearing and flicked to a page and read it.  It was on clearing bathrooms energetically and physically and how they are a place of cleansing, releasing and letting go.

Boom, my answer.  My physical space was rotten and I was distracted and not attending to it.  It was time to clear and let go on a physical level.  I needed to get busy tidying and cleaning.

So the next day I spent several hours meticulously vacuuming one of the bedrooms, under the bed, on top of the wardrobe, skirting boards, cleaning windows, the full job.  I was dumbfounded by the amount of dust that I collected, having to empty the vacuum cleaner several times.  It was a joy to do the cleaning, I felt like I was actually cleansing my soul and saying goodbye to a previous version of me.  When I had finished I did an energy clearing on the room, clearing out the old energy and imbuing it with the vibration of love and nurturing.  It was a beautiful space afterwards and I was surrounded by a huge sense of peace and relief.

I think on further reflection that I was the pineapple and I was neglecting myself.  As our homes, cars, possessions and relationships are just a reflection of us and where we are in life.  I love that pineapple!

So I stand today as a humbler healer and see that clearing the toxic energy of a place or person is only one part of the solution.  We must also attend to the physical side.  So wherever you are on this beautiful earth, get out the vacuum and window cleaner and as you clean, repeat the mantra that “I am cleaning and clearing out the old and I invite in the new”.  You can even be specific about what the new is.  Joy, happiness, freedom, abundance etc.

Then, when you are ready to have a full energy clearing done remotely on your home, contact me here for a free discovery call.  Or read more about home healings here.

Until next week, stay beautiful