Spiritual House Cleaning

Returning your home to peace and calm

Our Spaces Record Everything!

Very simply, the easiest way I can describe the energies in your home is to use the idea of a tape recorder.  If you imagine a good old fashioned tape recorder, recording the events and the emotions that have happened in that space, maybe frustration, anger, stress, worry or anxiety.  Perhaps the emotions that were felt by those affected by illness, poverty, job loss, divorce, a legal case or a failing business.  Or even more intense emotions from those who experienced a war or famine.

Our spaces record all these emotions and stores them in the land, the water and the buildings.  If these emotions (energy in motion) are not cleared and healed then they can turn into what we call negative or unhelpful, toxic energies.  These can impact you or your energy field and those other living beings – humans, wildlife, livestock or pets that come into contact with those toxic energy fields.  The more intense the emotions and the longer they have been felt for, the more intense the toxic energy becomes that’s stored in your space.

But the good news is energy is changeable.  Memories have been stored there and so they can be taken away.  And its only right and proper that we do this, to support us in whatever endevours we choose in life.  For our highest good and for the highest good of the planet.  This is also known as healing the earth.  And it is what I am here to do.  It is my divine purpose and its an absolute privilege and pleasure to be able to offer this service to you.

Distance Energy Clearing

How to Detect Negative Energy in Your Home

Unhelpful and toxic energy does not only affect old buildings, it can just as easily linger in brand new buildings too.  We built our home in 2005 and did not feel at home or comfortable until the house was cleared and healed by a Shaman some years later.

Another important point to consider is the history of your space.  Who was in your space before you moved in?  If it is a business premise, then what sector were the previous owners in? What happened to their business?  If your space is your home, then who were the previous owners and did they go through any highly emotive events in your space? for example divorce, illness, loss of job etc.

As well as emotional stress in buildings, there are also toxic energies that eminate from the land.  Geopathic stress is one such example and can be very intense and potent, affecting humans, animals and plants.  It has been linked to cancer and a whole host of other issues.

Generally I would recommend that a space is cleared every few years, this keeps the energetic and spiritual energy of your space fresh, balanced and harmonious.  Just as you would do a spring-clean every year on the physical aspects of your space, so is it advisable to attend to the energetic and spiritual aspects.

These are some of the signs that there is negative energy in your home and you need a spiritual house cleansing and healing:

Avoiding Rooms

There are rooms or areas that you avoid and you don’t know why

Feeling Scared

Especially affecting children at night time.  A child may be scared to sleep in a certain room or may wake often with night-terrors

Always Cold

A room or area of your space may always be cold despite having the heating on and it’s unexplainable.

Electrical Appliances

Heating systems, AC units or electrical appliances always seem to be giving trouble without cause or good reason.

Feeling Pushed Out

You may feel like you need to leave where you are, either find a new home, a new business premise or a new job all together.

Feeling Stuck

You have a project, business venture that you just can’t seem to make headway on.

Bad Smells

In certain areas of your space there always seems to be a musty, old or damp smell, despite being physically clean.

Something Bothering You

There is something bothering you about being here in this space and you can’t quite put your finger on it

Tired & Unwell

You may feel unwell, tired or lethargic or have other small complaints.  Long exposure to intense toxic energy may lead to more intense illness.

Always Hot

A room in your space is too hot despite having the windows open or AC on and there seems to be no explanation for it.

Noisy Pipes

Heating or AC pipes are noisy without good reason.

Trees & Plants

There is a certain patch of your garden or land where plants, flowers and trees just refuse to grow or flourish.

Stuck in Time

The area of your home or business seems to be stuck in time or hanging on to the past in someway.

The Solution – A Whole House Spiritual Deep Cleanse 

I offer down to earth, straight talking remote energetic and spiritual healings on your space, anywhere in the world.  I do this from my sacred space in Ireland.  I use ethical shamanic, dowsing, spiritual and blessing techniques to return your space to balance and harmony, to support you in the life of your choice.  I work with spirit in a respectful and permission-based way.  This means I will only heal spaces when I have the permission of those that live or work there.

What to Expect

After you’ve scheduled your healing and made the payment (energy exchange) we ask that you send us a picture of the front and back of your home/business and a roughly drawn floor plan of the building.  This should simply show the doors and rooms.  I will then work in sacred space at my home in Ireland and through spirit connect remotely to your space.  To work ethically, with permission from spirit and yourself to identify all subtle energies within your space and all harmful and toxic energies.

I will then work by using shamanic protocols, dowsing techniques and blessings to clear and rebalance any energies that do not serve and support you.  With this done, I then raise the vibration by welcoming in beneficial, supportive and light-filled energies.

The result will be an energetic and spiritual spring clean of your business, home or land that will now support you in the life that you choose for yourself.  These are some of the effects that people have reported after having their space cleared and healed by me:

Instant headache removal

Heaviness lifted from chest & shoulders

Feelings of lightness around the home & garden

Feeling welcomed and supported by life

Confirmation that what you felt in your space was valid and that you weren't going mad!

Feeling at home and at peace

No longer feeling you need to move house

No longer feeling angry, tired or stuck

Feeling free & liberated

Getting a great night's sleep!

Harmony & peace through out the home

Wildlife returning to your garden

Plants, trees & bushes now flourishing

Influx of new energy into your life and space

After the healing I will make contact with you to tell you how it went and go over a few of the areas that held toxic energy, but mainly I will be welcoming you to your new space!  I always like to focus on the good in the present moment and not what is in the past.  It really is a time for celebration and gratitude and joy and how you feel now and what the future may hold.

Within a few days I will follow up with an email and a full report.  This will have positive recommendations which are unique to you and your space and will be based on the energy that was rebalanced and cleared.  It will also have suggestions on how you can work with your space in the future to support you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to working with you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the healing include my yard/garden?

Yes, I only ever clear and heal your entire property.  Choose the right package that includes the yard/garden and also put full details of any outbuildings you have (shed, garage etc) when you book your healing.

Does everyone and all pets need to be out of the property?

It is certainly recommended.  We offer time slots throughout the day to to fit in with your schedule, no matter what time-zone you are in.

I don't see an appointment time that works for me

You can book an appointment upto 60 days in advance so have a look at different days if the day you want is fully booked.  Also be aware that different healing packages have different availability, you should be able to find a time-slot that works for you.

Can I have a follow up call with your after the healing?

Which ever package you choose, we contact you afterwards with details of your healing.  Make sure to choose a package that includes the follow-up phone call as this allows you to ask questions about the healing.  We voice call via skype, zoom or whatsapp.  You can input your contact details when you schedule your healing.

Why do I need to send the pictures?

This helps me to identify exactly what property I am working on with spirit.  I only ever work with permission from those that live/work in your space and so this is very important to me.

Why do I need to send the floor plan?

So that I can identify any areas within your space that had energy healed and relay this information to you after the healing.  This usually confirms what you already suspected about those troubled areas and just lets you know that you weren’t going mad after all!

Can you work on a space for a friend or family member?

Yes absolutely.  I will need permission of those that live or work in the space before proceeding and they will need to pop out for their chosen 2-hour time slot.  This is in line with my ethical approach to healing.

Can I speak to you before the healing?

Yes of course, we can have a general chat and answer any queries you have.  Click here to book a free 15 minute discovery call with me.  

Where do I send the pictures & floor plan to?

When you make your booking, you will get a confirmation email that shows where to send the pictures to, this can be via email or whatsapp.