Can’t Look, Won’t Look

by | 29 Dec 2021 | Global Transformation

At the end of last century, when my friends and I were busy drinking our way through University, there was a rather amusing British TV game show called “Cant Cook, Won’t Cook”.

The ingredients were simple. Take a charismatic British celebrity chef (Ainsley Harriott), add two members of the public: one who is not able to cook and the other who won’t cook. Finish with a studio full of people with nothing better to do.

For 25 minutes the audience were then treated to the charms of Ainsley and his culinary delights who danced around the screen, bouncing from one contestant to the other. The ideal way of distracting the viewers from just how atrocious the two contestants were at preparing simple dishes.

The program aired in the mid-morning – perfect timing for the students of the country, who were just waking after the night before and needing something irrelevant to occupy their minds with.

Like most TV programming, the show was based on a fundamental lie.

Clearly the “Won’t Cook” contestant quickly conceded their position of refusing to cook and attempted to follow Ainsley’s cookery instructions. Albeit with mixed results.

And the “Can’t Cook” contestant was soon exposed for being a fraud as they indeed managed to put together a meal that most students at the time would have devoured.

The true and honest Can’t Cook contestant would have put bread in the washing machine to toast it and would have been unable to open the can of baked beans, even with a studio full of utensils.

Equally the genuine Won’t Cook contestant, would have sat down in a chair with their arms folded at the start of the show and not moved an inch, despite the persuasive charisma of the brilliant Ainsley.

If the BBC had been more honest in their description, the title would have been more like:

“Would Prefer Not to Cook and I’ll Cook But it Will Be Shit”

I would like to propose a long-awaited sequel to this cookery programme: “Can’t Look, Won’t Look”. This time moving away from the kitchen and into the dizzying heights of truth seeking. And instead of entertainment for the alloted twenty five minutes, this would be for education.

Naturally, the BBC and all other main-stream channels will scoff at my ludicrous ideals and shun me.

And I would take that as validation that I am on the right path. A path of honour, truth and nobility.

“Can’t Look, Won’t Look” would be an emotional presentation, with two members of the public. One who can’t look at the truth of what is happening now and the other who won’t look. There would be many revelations and much heart-break. But the truth would prevail, tears would fall and education would be imparted. The whole twenty-five minutes would have been heart-felt and heart-centred.

My dear friends. This is where we are as a species.

We are being lied to. It is difficult to know what is a lie and what is not. Humanity is at war. This war will not be publicised. It is not a new war. This war is thousands of years old. And like all wars the information that is available today is a mix of truth, mis-information and lies. It is designed this way.

We were all of us born into a lie. Until you see the lie, you cannot see the truth. See the truth and the lie becomes obvious. Live the truth and the lie will fall away. It has no choice.

The lie is infinitely layered and has been prepared, conjured, programmed, cast, channeled and presented over thousands of years, using millions of people smarter than you and held in place with billions upon billions of unsuspecting souls throughout the ages. You cannot possible fathom the extent of these lies.

These charismatic, smart, professional liars know more than we do. And the closed-group that they belong to, go out of their way to make sure it stays that way. We are not invited.

This is not a matter of opinion, of perception or belief and you cannot cut through the lie with the latest crap such as “fact-checkers”, researching on google or informing yourself with Wikipedia.

You are looking into the face of black magick.

And she is not just going to unravel herself before you.


Everything about Western Society and the “Developed World” has been designed to keep you in the left hemisphere of your brain. To keep you in your mind. This part of your brain is severely limited. It can process about seven pieces of information every second. It is logical, analytical and works with numbers and language.

Whereas the right hemisphere of your brain can process billions of pieces of information every second and deals with creativity and imagination. It also has strong connections with your heart.

School favours Math, Language and Science and crushes creativity, the arts and imagination. You are conditioned, bullied, peer-pressured and rewarded to stay in the left side of your brain from a very young age.

And one of the resounding features of this part of the brain is the inability to connect dots in life. You will rely on logic and reason, to the detriment of your moral compass and your heart.

This is why millions of people over the last two years have regurgitated the “logical” reasons why the governments of the world have implemented such extreme measures. These are the reasons people have been given by the media and the talking heads on the tell-a-vision. This is perception control.

The few of us that can see from our hearts have been able to see the big picture. We have connected the dots and real-ised that the picture drawn is not pleasant and not in the best interests of our one human family. Some of us have even seen the black magick behind all of this.


Instead of joining the masses of “truth-seekers” that wish to shout their findings from the roof tops at anyone that will listen. Instead of shouting “WOLF” at any corporation pushing the negative anti-human agenda. I am going to take a different course.

To me it does not matter what others see and what they do not see. Nor what another soul chooses to take as it’s truth. I cannot possibly fathom the soul path of another nor innerstand what they are here on Earth to experience. I am not privy to when they will “awaken” or when they will choose the path of ascension and evolution. If at all.

There was a time not too long ago when I was dumbfounded that so many millions of people still did not see the dots joining together. For me it was glaringly obvious.

But I am of course biased by my own experience.

To begin to see the lies of our time, hidden right in front of us takes a number of things:

1. You need to feel uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. The human psyche demands comfort and familiarity and it is almost impossible that someone who is comfortable will be able to risk that comfort by looking at upsetting truths about life. Especially as in the short term this information will make them very uncomfortable. Instead you must get to a place of extreme discomfort and then the mind will be able to reason that learning new-information may bring comfort. Remember necessity is the mother of all invention.

2. You must be ready. And I mean all of you. Life will know if you are not and the information will remain locked from you. All of your being must demand to know before life can reveal herself. Both the beauty and the beast.

3. You must persevere. The lies are quantum programs. They are intelligent and they are alive. They are not just going to fall away and leave because you want them to. They will fight back.

4. You must be open to risk. Being open to truth is a risky business. If you allow truth into your life, you may jeopardise and ultimately lose the be-LIE-fs that you had before.

And here’s what it does not take.

5. Intelligence – You don’t need to be super smart to see the lies. In fact it takes more heart than mind. What society knows as intelligence is mostly from academia and is a result of memorising concepts, dates, names and numbers.

6. Time – You do not need masses of time to research and digest information, with an open and brave heart the lies will start to fall.

7. Status – The truth does not care about your status, the house you live in, your bank balance or your pay cheque. In fact the more trappings you have from the system, the more invested you are in it and the less likely you are to question it.

So when you are questioning just why a member of your family or one of your dear friends is not on the same page that you are during these trying times. Please remember this list and just how painful it is to question and to uproot these lies. The lies run through the entire fabric of life on earth, into every facet of every life of every soul in this realm.

We are talking here about the fundamental elements of life on earth.

If the soul is not ready. It is not ready. The answer is no and the eyes will not see what the mind is not ready to digest.

Have patience. Love them anyway. Love your differences. Give them time.

This roller-coaster ride is not finished yet. There is plenty more discomfort to come yet and plenty more time for those that Can’t Look or Won’t Look.

We’re not done here. Not yet. And life is not about to get magickally better because we listen and adhere to the well-rehearsed non-human agenda lie machine.

As my Mum used to say when I was a teenager: if they told you to jump out of a window would you do it?

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