Love Is The Answer

by | 15 Dec 2021 | Global Transformation

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It’s been a while since I last wrote. How have you been?

I took some time out from blogging to rest, seek guidance from my teachers and to train in another healing modality, called Star Magic Healing – more about that in a later blog.

I hadn’t planned on taking nine months out, but looking back I see the irony in spirit’s timing! With all the inner-changes perhaps it is best that I acknowledge the last 40 weeks as a re-berthing process.

I think that would be accurate.

I have spoken before about the need to connect to your heart and to come from a place of love. This is true for everything that we think, say and do in life. It sounds so easy and yet sometimes it is impossibly difficult. But right now on earth it is of paramount importance.

The last 21 months on earth have seen tremendous upheaval and unprecedented change. With such an onslaught of fear among us it is so easy to go along with the confusion and worry and accept the voice that shouts the loudest in the most places.

But I want to bring you back to your heart.

I want you to take a deep, nourishing breath and notice the life-giving air that has been lovingly provided for you to have this experience. As you exhale, let go of all the tension in your body, your neck, shoulders, stomach. Stop holding it in. It’s not yours. Let it go.

She has been waiting for you, whispering, softly, gently, lovingly. Waiting for the time that you would surrender. When you would stop seeking. Cease the endless and frantic running.

Your heart. She awaits you. Hidden deep within. In the infinite wonder that is you.

She is your compass. And your whole being is centred around her. She connects you to everyone and everything. She connects you to all of time and every place. She connects you to all the answers that you could ever seek. All the knowledge and all the wisdom. Of all the ages.

She is patient and loving and knows that you must endure these berthing pains on your path.

She knows what awaits on the journey that you are taking.

She is your inner compass on the journey and she is the destination too.

So let’s get to the heart of the matter. Let us push once more on this long and winding road and finally come home.


If we stay in our mind we will not see the full picture of what is happening on earth and within humanity at this time. And we will remain disconnected from our true power, unity and the truth.

Our mind will tell us that the whole world seems to have lost it’s head in this ongoing shit storm that we find ourselves in. And our heart will tell us that this is the end of a long and painful berth and what awaits us is mysterious and magical.

We are called upon by the media to take sides. Whether you consume mainstream media or alternative media, it doesn’t matter. One will tell you the anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers are to blame. The other will tell you the new world order, global banking families are to blame. One culture will tell you it’s capitalism to blame, the other communism.

It’s the same game, “divide and conquer”. I wrote about this before. It’s an old game and it pits brother against brother and sister against sister. But when we are in our mind, we are easily fooled into playing these fear-based games. We are not able to see the connectedness of all things. Only our heart can see the one-ness of all of life.

If you listen to the experiences of those that have had a near-death-experience (NDEs) or have worked with sacred plant medicine then you will notice one very obvious consistency. Everyone says that all of life is connected. All of life is one. We are all one family.

Family Sticks Together

And families work together, through thick and thin.

And it might surprise you but that’s what’s happening right now.

One global group of people are presenting a number of contentious ideas in respose to a perceived threat. Ideas such as face-coverings, distancing, injections, sitting at home for extended periods and disallowing certain groups of people access to certain services. This group then call these ideas acts, statutes, legislation, bills and even laws. Another group is then tasked with con-vincing people that these apply to everyone and are for the good of everyone. Another group then has the unen-viable task of en-forcing these ideas upon the person(s).

And then we take the other end of the spectrum and find another group who disagree with everything the other group says and does. They don’t agree with the ideas, acts or any of the con-vincing or en-forcing and they see the suffering that they perceive it to be causing. And they are not afraid to let their voices be heard.

This doesn’t go down well with the first group, who also believe in censor-ship.

The second group cannot fathom why the first group cannot see things from their perspective. The first group feels the same. Especially when people are dying each day from either an alleged virus or an injection with alleged ingredients.

Both groups are busy fighting each other. New labels are applied to these groups, such as black-lives-matter, anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers and so on. Familes are split, communities are split and the one human family is split.

Sound familiar? It’s the same game, just a different time. It’s the same game played in every war.

But why?

Why do we do this to ourselves?

Over and over again, throughout his-story?

Perhaps my dear friends it is time to create her-story.

Perhaps it is time to leave the closed, confines of the masculine analytical mind, so easily ruled by fear and make our way home to our sacred feminine heart.

Divine Angel

The same heart that lies within each of us.

Humanity’s moral compass has been off because we have not used her. We have tried to find our way with just the map that is our masculine mind.

Your heart’s message is simple. Come home. Stay a while. Put your feet up, have a cup of hot cacao and listen.

This berth will be over soon. This is the really difficult part of labour, just before de-livery. The part where the womban calls upon all of her strength to bring forth new life.

That divine sacred moment when the man stands by and bears witness to the beauty of life and the infinite, invincible power of the feminine.

My beautiful sisters and brothers, the time draws near. On our sacred earth we will have our new beginning. The feminine energy has returned and she is healing the wounded masculine and his imbalanced ways.

The old systems are crumbling. The powers that were and falling away. Babylon burns and we are bearing witness to the death throes of a dying age. It may not seem this way, but it is inevitable. The broken institutes that we built for ourselves are serving us one last parting gift:

The gift of remembrance.

All roads lead to unity through truth and remembrance.

All roads lead to Home.

Whether you are group one or group two, it does not matter. Each group is helping the other to know and to express itself. It is the law of opposites expressing in life. To know yourself as tall, your brother must be short, to know yourself as slow, your sister must be fast. And to know yourself as love, fear must exist.

The two groups are like two children climbing a tall tree, one child gives the other a leg up and when in the tree that child reaches down to pull the other one up. Both children real-ise the fullness of the tree-experience.

Get a Helping Hand

Neither could have achieved it without the other.

We are remembering that both groups are one. And as we rise in awareness around the world, we are coming together and we are creating a new earth for our sacred, divine offspring. We are berthing the new out of the ashes of the old.

A world of peace and abundance for all.

A world where our feminine heart is held sacred in all homes and communities on earth. Where she is the moral compass for the masculine mind. And the divine masculine is the protector of his beloved feminine.

Not all flowers bloom at the same time, but the garden is all-ways beautiful. Give each other time, connect to your divine heart and thank her for leading you home.

Everyone has a part to play in this cosmic adventure unfolding on earth right now. Know your part by living from your heart and acknowledging the part that each of our sisters and brothers have chosen to play. According to the evolving divine plan that works through our collective heart.

And I will leave you with the immortal words of Bob Marley

“Is there a place on earth for all the hopeless sinners
Who have hurt all mankind just to save their own beliefs?
One Love”

Until the next time

With love


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