Spiritual House Cleansing Services
From €250
    • Any home in the world can be cleansed using tried-and-tested distance healing, combining ancient and powerful modern methodologies. All done using 100% ethical, safe and loving light frequencies and spiritual guides.

    • All toxic, bad and negative energies cleared from your home. Then raising the vibrations to the frequency of love, bliss, peace, calm, joy and abundance. All the good stuff to energise your home and your life. No need to wait home for someone to call, you can be in or out or even asleep when the remote cleansing begins.

    • Removes ghosts, spirits, entities, energy from previous tenants, emotional energy from illness, arguments and grief. Geopathic stress, earth energies, interference energy and EMFs. Portals and spiritual doorways closed down. Curses & spells deactivated and removed. And much more using our unique 55-point spiritual checklist.

    • Duration: 2 hours

    •  Delivered by distance

    •  Video feedback

    • Exclusive 30 days free access to monthly clean-n-clear club

    •   Depth of Cleanse

    •  Delivered by Neil

    •  Appointment times to suit you

    •  Email & SMS reminders

    • Anyone moving into a new house to clear the past energy

    • After renovating or extending your house to balance the construction energy

    • After a period of illness for anyone in the house to clear the dis-ease energy

    • Anyone struggling with sleep issues or insomnia

    • If you are seeing shadows or unexplained phonemena in your house

What to expect

1. Book Now

2. Send Details

3. Feel Amazing

Electrical Energies Healed

Earth Energies Healed

Spiritual Energies Removed

Heal & Bless Home

Include Yard & Garden

Include Attic & Basement

Include Outbuildings

Max # Bedrooms

Bookings Available Each Day

Bookings Available On

Urgent Same Day Bookings

Post Healing Report


Ruby Home






Video Msg

Amber Home






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Emerald Home






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Video Msg


The whole family feels much calmer. Life has brought us new business opportunities, things have become more clear in relation to steps forward in business. Ideas are coming through at a rate! The house feels more airy and lighter and all of us feel like a weight has been lifted and the presence of ‘spirits’ feels a lot more calm and welcoming now.
My heart feels like its expanded 10 fold, I feel deeply loved, supported and held by the Divine. Neil thank you for saying Yes to the whispers of your soul and being of service in such a beautiful healing way.
After the healing I felt an energetic shift in the property. There has been more activity in regards to its sale. I would definitely recommend Neil to everyone. He is a genuine and sincere person and wants to help his clients in the best possible way.

Why choose Heal My Space

Any Home

Any where

100% Safe

Frequently Asked Questions

What details do you need?

      • The full address of the house, a picture of the front of the house and a picture of the floor plan – this can be a quickly drawn out picture of each floor/level of the house. It just needs to show each room.

How do I send?

      • You can send them via email

How does distance healing work?

      • With the details that you provide of your house, I connect energetically to the property and can read the energies that are in each room. I go through each room and check the energies against my unique 55 point checklist. When I find imbalanced, negative or nefarious energies, I clear them and return the area to harmonious, balanced and positive energies that benefit you

Can you really do it on any home?

      • Yes absolutely, any home, any business and any building anywhere in the world. Just provide the details and I can connect to the energies and clear them.

Why do you not need to visit the home?

      • I am clearing the energies that are affecting your house in the unseen energetic/spiritual realm. This realm is not bounded by physical space and so I can connect to them from anywhere in the world.

Can I book a family member’s home?

      • Yes, providing that all adult members of that household give full consent for the house cleansing to happen.

What happens in a session?

      • This question is partially answered above in “how does distance healing work”. When the whole house has been cleared for all negative, imbalanced and nefarious energies. I will bring in the high vibrational energies, the happy, blissful, peaceful, abundant and joyful energies that everyone deserves in their life. Then I record video feedback about your unique home healing: what I found, the beautiful energies that are there now and any advice for your home.

How often should I have a cleanse done?

      • Generally speaking I would recommend having your house cleansed every year or two. Some people prefer the comfort of knowing that there home is cleansed every month. This ensures that the emotional energy that builds up naturally around rooms nevers builds up. It depends on the type of activities happening in your home and the people that live there. Or more particularly the intensity of the emotions felt in a place and the regularity and duration for which they are felt. When someone in your house is going through a tough time emotionally, I would clear the energies monthly, to support them better.