Energy Clearing Services


    • Any one in the world can be cleansed using our tried-and-tested distance healing technique which combines ancient and modern powerful methodologies. All done using 100% ethical, safe and loving blessings, intentions and spiritual guides.

    • All toxic, bad and negative energies cleared from your aura and chakras. Then raising your vibration to the frequency of love, bliss, peace, calm, joy, acceptance and abundance. All the good stuff to energise you and your life.

    • Removes ghosts, spirits, entities, energy from other people, emotional energy such as anxiety, stress and grief. Energy drains, cords, attachements and interference energy. Portals and spiritual doorways closed down. Curses & spells deactivated and removed. And much more using our unique 44-point spiritual checklist.

  •  Duration: 15 minutes
  •    When: Every Wednesday
  •    Delivered by distance or zoom
  •    Video feedback
  •   Depth of Cleanse 
  •   Delivered by Neil
  •  Email & SMS reminders
  • Also available as:

1- Clearing package: double-intense or triple-intense clearings

2- Weekly or monthly clearings – in our exclusive clean-n-clear club

3- Urgent same day clearings

  • A gentle introduction to energy clearing
  • Children and adults alike
  • When you need a regular energy boost
  • Anyone feeling stuck, held-back, drained or not-themselves
  • Anyone looking to feel more relaxed, peaceful, calm
  • A great way to improve mental clarity

What to expect

1. Book Now

2. Meet on Zoom

3. Feel Amazing

Book your online healing session here


I feel less anxious and I am sleeping better. Speaking with Neil. I found him to be genuine and helpful

Why choose Heal My Space

Any One

Any where

100% Safe

Frequently Asked Questions

What details do I send?

  • Just your full name, your year of birth and your nearest town/city

How do I send?

      • You can send them via email

How does distance healing work?

  • With the details that you provide, I connect energetically to you and can read the energies that are around you. I go through my unique 44 point checklist and when I find imbalanced, negative or nefarious energies, I clear them. This returns you to the harmonious, balanced and loving being that you are at your core.

Does this hurt?

  • Not at all. I have done 1000s of energy clearing. It is a safe, painless and relaxing process.

Do I feel anything?

  • Sometimes you will feel energy shifting around your body and moving out. This feels different for everyone. You may breathe out like a great weight has been moved off your shoulders, you may get hot sensations or cold sensations, you may yawn, you may want to stretch. It is perfectly normal, it’s just energy shifting, it usually lasts a minute or so.

Can you really do it on anyone?

  • Yes, anyone anywhere, providing I have their full permission.

Can I book for someone else?

  • Yes, providing they give their full permission for the energy clearing and they know what’s involved.

Does this work for children?

  • Yes, absolutely. Children are just as receptive to energy healing as adults, perhaps even more so.

Can this work on people in hospital?

Yes, it can offer benefits, especially to the emotional energies that may be surrounding the person – such as worry, anxiety or fear. As above, I will need the permission of that person. There are cases where the person may not be able to provide that permission, in these cases please contact me and I will ascertain whether we can establish the “Good Samaritan Ethics”. This allows someone to act in the best interest of another with reduced or limited capacity.